Comment 9 for bug 274820

Revision history for this message
Morgan Collett (morgan) wrote :

I am an upstream developer and have been involved in the Sugar 0.82 release, so I'm very familiar with the upstream source. I am the direct upstream maintainer of sugar-chat-activity, sugar-read-activity, sugar-pollbuilder-activity and co-maintainer of sugar-presence-server.

I will discuss what Jani has raised with the Debian team. We have some activities packaged that they don't yet have, although in most cases there have not been significant updates since the hardy versions, so that's not a significant problem. I'll see if we can get those activities into Debian.

At this point, Ubuntu is considered the best platform for people to use for Sugar besides OLPC's XO. This is due to the hardy packages, as well as the PPA that I mentioned. I would hate to see that regress.

Admittedly I am new to deb packaging, although I have in the course of working for OLPC become a fedora maintainer for several of the Sugar components, and am confident that I'll master the deb packaging in short order.