Comment 25 for bug 194472

Revision history for this message
Josh Leverette (coder543) wrote :

Patrick Roberts (#24) seems to have made the most valid conclusion. However, I agree with one modification: there should be an intermediary state to disable feedback only in the terminal and leave it on in other places. So, 3 states. Make the default state to be to show all password entry lengths. This really is a hugely preferential thing as far as I can tell, so just store a number (0, 1 or 2) in a file (like .pwentry) in the home folder that specifies what to do, with 0 being no feedback anywhere and 2 being feedback everywhere. If the file was missing, it would be assumed 2 and written to the file. Then System -> Preferences -> Appearance could have a combobox to switch between states.

Can anyone contest the simplicity of this? Or better yet, can anyone contest this plan? If not, its settled then; simplicity + functionality = a stable, usable UI.