Comment 13 for bug 33594

Revision history for this message
Emmet Hikory (persia) wrote :

I'm just going to close the bug. The Debian .desktop file is a little cleaner, and .desktop cleanup is an ongoing process. There's little point to tracking a diff here: the solution belongs elsewhere. Specific differences were generated for each patch by running desktop-file-validate on the .desktop file, which ought be done upstream, in Debian, and in Ubuntu as a matter of standard practice. With recent changes to lintian, this now becomes a lintian warning (if it is still valid), and is better handled through normal package QA than as a bug.

Note that a bug may still be useful for those requesting specific sponsorship of changes to be applied to the package: while I am closing this with "Won't Fix", I'd not object to anyone reopening if they plan to track the variation, and get it applied in the appropriate places: I'm certainly no longer sufficiently concerned to generate another patch.