Comment 13 for bug 382117

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Dan Andreșan (danyer) wrote :


The bug still exists in Lucid (fully up to date).
I hit it by mistake, renaming some TV episodes on a NAS connected through Nautilus Samba (smb://server/share).
But, as you correctly pointed out, it is not related to samba, but to gvfs.

Allow me to be brief:
D1. create two files on desktop, one first.txt, second second.txt and write "first" in the first one and "second" in the second one
D2. try to rename first.txt to second.txt. Nautilus complains: 'The item could not be renamed. The name "second.txt" is already used in this folder. Please use a different name'. GOOD!

F1. copy first.txt and second.txt to a ftp server via Nautilus FTP connection.
F2. try to rename first.txt to second.txt. BAM! You've just lost the original second.txt

S1. copy first.txt and second.txt to a samba server via Nautilus SMB connection.
S2. try to rename first.txt to second.txt. BAM! You've just lost the original second.txt

This should not happen. Of course, Thierry is right, mv does not prompt. In this case, please remove the prompt from Nautilus in D2 case (on the desktop). Oh, the developer intent was to protect the user. In this case, protect the user also when he/she is using smb or ftp in Nautilus through gvfs.
