Comment 47 for bug 292791

Revision history for this message
Walter Bamberger (wallinnb) wrote :


I did a little thinking and some poking about on my 8.10 partition.
I looked at auth.log and noticed several of the following:

Jan 2 20:32:37 2kbox gdm[5340]: pam_unix(gdm:auth): auth could not identify password for [WEB]

WEB is my 98box user name. The 2kbox (8.10) should be web (lower case). I checked the auth.log on my 8.04 partition and there it is web as expected.

My thoughts on what may be my problem:
1. The SEGMENTATION FAULT error properly identified the fact that I had some bad RAM.
2. Since replacing the bad RAM, I no longer see the SEGMENTATION FAULT error.
3. Part of the login process writes data into RAM (Is this correct?) and the data was written into the faulty RAM addresses (Is this possible?)
4. Note that the SEG FAULT issue did not appear until I had Samba properly configured and could see my shares on both PCs in the network.
5. Would the login process write data to RAM, then change a state in a file on the disk, which upon logout or timeout, would be restored to the original state as stored in RAM?
6. The assumption here is that the data written to RAM was corrupted or lost due to being written to the bad RAM.
7. The hosts file on the 2kbox resolves web = WEB for my 98box access to Samba.

Does any of this make sense?

I've attached the 8.10 auth.log file.