Comment 8 for bug 272527

Revision history for this message
pauljohn32 (pauljohn) wrote :

I'm running R 2.8 on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid. rkward installs, but it doesn't run for a variety of reasons described in this and other threads.

I noticed the subversion address given in note 3 above is incorrect. It has this:

svn co rkward

but instead it should be:

svn co rkward

I'm building that on Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) to see if it fixes the problem. I am very reluctant to run "make install" as root because it will copy crap all over my file system. So I tried the temporary install approach

make install DESTDIR=/tmp/rktest

and then that drops the rkward install directory in a safe place. Running the executable seems to go a lot better than the version in the Ubuntu system. I still get a cautionary warning about the plugin path, but at least rkward does start and show working menus for many elements. Before, I couldn't even get a settings menu open.

It looks to me as though there is still something wrong with the plugin system, though. Note the error message at the end of the terminal output. It may be I only see the problem because I installed off the beaten path, but I will and wait to hear what you think before I go further.

pauljohn@pols124:bin$ ./rkward

R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

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Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
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Type 'q()' to quit R.

error in initialization call 'options (device=rk.screen.device)
XML-parsing '/tmp/rktest/usr/local/bin/rkward/all.pluginmap' : Could not open file for reading
XML-parsing '/tmp/rktest/usr/local/bin/rkward/all.pluginmap' : Error parsing XML-file. Error-message was: 'unexpected end of file' in line '1', column '1'. Expect further errors to be reported below

It seems to me that, if this really does work, the Debian/Ubuntu packager should put something that works into the system.