Comment 19 for bug 185928

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markling (markling) wrote :

I'd second the call for SPACE to activate <play/pause> in Rhythm Box. A one-touch <play/pause> is essential.

Try this: playing your guitar, learning a song. You have to <play/pause>. You can't be fiddling around with CTRL+SPACE or whatever when you are trying to pin down a riff.

Or what happens if the phone rings when you are rocking out? Or you're eating cornflakes in your best suit?

As for accessibility, having SPACE as <play/pause> is a darn sight more accessible than having to fumble all over CTRL+SPACE or whatever.

Also regarding accessibility, if SPACE needs commandeering for accessibility applications, surely it can so be without stopping SPACE being used for <play/pause> when accessibility applications are not active.