Comment 9 for bug 155784

Revision history for this message
Thorvald Natvig (slicer) wrote :

The offendig call is in Qt. More specifically, in src/network/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
For pristine Qt 4.3.2, it's on line 252 which states:

   QLibrary libssl(QLatin1String("ssl"));

At runtime, this results in a dlopen("") which fails, as there is no

As such, Qt concludes the system doesn't have OpenSSL installed and disables all SSL functionality.

The fix really should be in the openssl package, and the fix is to just create the symlink there. It would be wrong for the qt package to create a symlink for openssl. Alternatively you could modify the above line to load a specific version of the library, but that would mean you'd have to repatch and redistribute Qt every time openssl is updated.