Comment 76 for bug 274124

Revision history for this message
Savvas Radevic (medigeek) wrote :

Hm.. to all OSS users, (Realtek etc) - and to all those who just don't know, but want to try and make it work, try execute this command:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall oss-preserve psemu-sound-oss oss-compat alsa-oss alsa-tools alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-base alsa-utils
sudo adduser $USER audio
sudo adduser $USER pulse
sudo adduser $USER pulse-access
sudo adduser $USER pulse-rt

(One of the above packages made it work for me, I don't know which one or ones)
- When it's done installing/reinstalling, log out and log back in
- Go to System > Preferences > Sound, you should see new "ALSA ... Analog (OSS)" in the drop down lists - choose the last analog (oss) item mentioned in each list.
- For "Device:" choose the "Alsa mixer"

Now press Close and reboot your machine (yes, restart!).

Log in again, and execute this command to open the volume control:

Choose in the device "Alsa mixer"
If you see a PCM section in the volume control, raise its volume.
If you don't see it, click "Preferences" and make sure "PCM" is checked there.

This should hopefully enable you to listen to flash movies audio and local audio until pulseaudio is fixed :)