Comment 88 for bug 198453

Revision history for this message
Patrick Horgan (phorgan1) wrote :

Here it is July 30, and Hardy sound is still broken. A lot more works, but not everything. Today a game that uses SDL sound failed. I killed pulseaudio and all was fine. I don't understand why the choice was made to use pulseaudio. I've seen posts extolling the many benefits, but they never say what they are. In the meantime, it seems the benefits have been much disruption of ubuntu and much frustration for users, and many broken sound apps. Excuse me, if I'm not sold on those benefits. What can I do with it that I couldn't do without it? Nothing. On the contrary my regular life as a ubuntu user is still broken in JULY! 8.04 has been a disappointment because of it. It's not what I was accustomed to from Ubunutu. To allow one group to hijack sound and then say that everyone else is broken is arrogant and cruel, user hostility at it's worst.
