Comment 122 for bug 190754

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huiii (a00ps) wrote :

some usb cards NEED asoundrc, otherwise ALSA has no clue how to deal with it.
my alesis io|2 worked just with asound configured under ubuntu gutsy but under hardy it goes without.
since hardy i am experiencing a lot aof issues.
one of them is rhytmbox in combo with browsing the net with firefox.
sound stops for a moment when i switch between tabs inside the browser.
Xorg shoots up to 100% CPU for a moment.
the funny thing is:
its running on a intel 2ghz 2duo, 2gb ram, sony vaio, xubuntu hardy 8.04 64bit, 2.6.24-16-rt.
compiz is on.
i tried "pulseaudio -k":
it is slightly better, but after a while when wild-tabbing inside firefox, rhythmbox will interrupt sound again. viewing "top" reveals dramatic increase of CPU through Xorg up to 100%.
on my system is not just rhythmbox that stutters:
if u use brasero and burn a cd while watching a film or listen to music in any player everything will shutter, spit and chopp till cd burning is finished. compiz-animations are than affected, too.
again viewing "top" reveals dramatic usage of CPU of Xorg by 100%.
my guess is that we are dealing here not just with one bug.
changing buffersizes is like opium for tooth-pain, it minimizes the symptoms but does not fix the cause(s).
it might be linked to some changes / bugs that came together
-in the kernel,
-in ubuntu hardy
-in pulseaudio
-in Xserver
-in compiz
where should i start?