Comment 105 for bug 190754

Revision history for this message
Josh Green (josh-resonance) wrote :

I'm also experiencing audio stuttering and wanted to contribute my findings. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 with the rt kernel.

First off, I think there are many sources of this problem which all result in audio drop outs, which is likely why this bug has become so confusing. I was also experiencing various issues with PulseAudio, so I have completely disabled it and am now using ALSA dmix. For this reason, I should probably be filing this under another bug, which I will do as I gather more information.

In my case, the audio drop out issue does not occur with applications like MPlayer, Amarok and aplay. I also tried VLC, which suffers very slightly from this issue (which I suspect is another issue). Rhythmbox, Totem, and Sound Recorder on the other hand are really bad. Minimizing/maximizing windows causes a rather large audio drop out about 50% of the time. This lead me to believe there is something wrong with gstreamer. So I decided to try gst-launch:
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=test.mp3 ! mad ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink

Indeed, this gstreamer pipeline has the same audio drop out behavior as all the other applications using gstreamer. I also tested ogg files with a gst-launch pipeline, with the same poor results. So in this case, I think I am experiencing some issue involving gstreamer. I'll be sure to post any more info as I discover it.