Comment 24 for bug 108577

Revision history for this message
arcadepro (arcadepro) wrote :

Recently encountered this myself on Hardy. Possibly as a result of running the Pulseaudio device chooser.
- I have sound on boot up (at the GDM login).
 - The Gnome login sounds do not play. No sounds through the Gnome sound applet ever play.
- With the Output set to Autodetect/ALSA/OSS in Sound Preferences my audio works apart from the gnome related system sounds.

pulseaudio -vv returns
I: module.c: Loaded "module-hal-detect" (index: #2; argument: "").
D: cli-command.c: Checking for existance of '/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules/': success
E: module.c: Failed to open module "module-protocol-esound-unix": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
E: main.c: Module load failed.
E: main.c: Failed to initialize daemon.
I: module.c: Unloading "module-alsa-sink" (index: #0).
D: module-alsa-sink.c: Thread shutting down
I: sink.c: Freeing sink 0 "alsa_output.pci_1102_4_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0"
I: source.c: Freeing source 0 "alsa_output.pci_1102_4_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0.monitor"
I: module.c: Unloaded "module-alsa-sink" (index: #0).
I: module.c: Unloading "module-alsa-source" (index: #1).
D: module-alsa-source.c: Thread shutting down
I: source.c: Freeing source 1 "alsa_input.pci_1102_4_sound_card_0_alsa_capture_0"
I: module.c: Unloaded "module-alsa-source" (index: #1).
I: module.c: Unloading "module-hal-detect" (index: #2).
D: module-hal-detect.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus, path=/org/freedesktop/DBus, member=NameAcquired
D: module-hal-detect.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Local, path=/org/freedesktop/DBus/Local, member=Disconnected
I: module.c: Unloaded "module-hal-detect" (index: #2).
I: main.c: Daemon terminated.

Selecting Pulseaudio Server in Sound Preferences and clicking 'test' results in the following error in a gui dialog:

"audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused."

strace of an attempt to execute 'pulseaudio' is here:

I've tried the above fixes to no avail. Is there a way to either totally re-configure or re-install everything audio related? My audio was fine on a fresh install, but something has broken it.

I'd appreciate any help as I doubt an in place upgrade to Intrepid would fix what seems to be a configuration/permissions issue.