Comment 36 for bug 519891

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Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote : Re: [Bug 519891] Re: Plymouth garbles screen (ATI 200M)

On Sun, 2010-03-14 at 16:29 +0000, Tom Louwrier wrote:

> In order to find out what Plymouth would do when booting under 'nomodeset' I rebooted and tried that. Guess what..... the situation has reversed. 'Nomodeset' now gives me a screen with vertical coloured bars abd lines, and there it all ends.
> To be precise:
> - 2 messages about fsck
> - a purple screen in text-mode with Ubuntu showing, no coloured horizontal bar at the bottom
> - some messages about urearahead exiting with status 4, looking a bit messy like the ones that broke up the blue/white bar
> - X kicks in and I'm looking at vertical lines.
> I guess I can't complain about my system finally booting without setting extra options, but it sort of bothers me that I can't tell you whether Plymouth works OK now when KMS is disables.
From the sounds of it, Plymouth is actually working great with KMS
disabled (other than the spam of console messages over the top) - and
it's the X server that screws things up when it kicks in.

You'll want to file a bug on the non-KMS X driver, almost certainly.


Scott James Remnant
<email address hidden>