Comment 31 for bug 516412

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ROB3RT (rob3rt) wrote :

As a matter of fact, any time I press SHIFT + 2, for the @ symbol when signing into my email, it does log me out. Then, when I log back in, it doesn't happen any more... It is very, very strange, but it only happens sometimes when I press SHIFT + 2, AKA @. This is the strangest bug I've ever seen...

I'd also like to suggest that this be moved up to critical, as it affects many people (30). I'm not sure how many people the bug needs to be affected by for it to be critical, but this is one heckuva important bug.

Anyone know what exactly Plymouth is doing to cause this? It has something to do, with Plymouth, and the NVIDIA drivers... I'm not sure how they relate, but all I know is that I can't successfully reboot, or shut down until this is fixed... Hard boots are bad for your HDD, so I hope this gets resolved ASAP!