Comment 30 for bug 151867

Revision history for this message
dino.korah (dckorah) wrote :

I agree with Vishal and William, gnome-keyring, gnome-keyring-daemon, network-manager-pptp, pptp-linux, AND network-manager-gnome on [K]ubuntu 9.04 works for me.
I start up the daemons with the following script in .kde/Autostart. [ I havent tried Vishal's method; sorry. ]

    sleep 5;
    killall nm-applet;
    killall knetworkmanager;
    sleep 1
    nohup /usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable </dev/null &>/dev/null &

And it seem to work for me.

Once you log in, you can [left] click on the icon and configure VPN. It is straight forward from here.