Comment 27 for bug 551269

Revision history for this message
Kirk Bridger (kbridger) wrote :

I've upgraded via the PPA.
It failed right off the bat, stating something was wrong with the config.php file
I renamed the file, and ran dpkg-reconfigure phpldapadmin.
I answered the questions to mimic my previous (existing) installation.

Once this was all complete I was able to login. I can see my data tree on the left. However when I click on an entry to see its details, an error page was displayed in the right frame stating it could not find my schema at all. I tried clicking a second entry, and much less error was displayed, but the error still states the following:

Our attempts to find your SCHEMA have failed (objectclasses)
Error: Please contact the phpLDAPadmin developers and let them know:

    * Which LDAP server you are running, including which version
    * What OS it is running on
    * Which version of PHP
    * As well as a link to some documentation that describes how to obtain the SCHEMA information

We'll then add support for your LDAP server in an upcoming release.
error Error
Could not retrieve schema from My LDAP Server.

This could happen for several reasons, the most probable of which are:

    * The server does not fully support the LDAP protocol.
    * Your version of PHP does not correctly perform the query.
    * phpLDAPadmin doesn't know how to fetch the schema for your server.
    * Or lastly, your LDAP server doesnt provide this information.

Perhaps this is my lack of knowledge of how to properly setup something here - happy to be told to go read a specific doc or something if that is the case. But so far I do not think this bug is resolved for me.