Comment 6 for bug 218492

Revision history for this message
yopai (pierre-olivier-vares) wrote :

I had the same problem by installing the packages from the official repository :
Prendre(Take) :3 hardy/universe phpbb2 2.0.22-3 [549kB]
Prendre(Take) :5 hardy/universe phpbb2-conf-mysql 2.0.22-3 [57,2kB]
Dépaquetage(Unpacking) de phpbb2 (à partir de .../phpbb2_2.0.22-3_all.deb) ...
Dépaquetage(Unpacking) de phpbb2-conf-mysql (à partir de .../phpbb2-conf-mysql_2.0.22-3_all.deb) ...
Paramétrage(Configure) de phpbb2 (2.0.22-3) ...
Paramétrage(Configure) de phpbb2-conf-mysql (2.0.22-3) ...
Creating MySQL database...
Creating MySQL user...
Creating MySQL tables if they don't exist yet...
Creating phpbb_sessions_keys table if it doesn't exist yet...
Creating search_time column if it doesn't exist yet...

The script then freezes, as described above.
By using the links you provide, it works (after a warning : an older version is in the repository).

Shouldn't this packages be in the repository ? (since this packages are 3 months old)