Comment 1 for bug 187130

Revision history for this message
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote :

Platform support now available in my PPA:

deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main

apt-get install hal libpam-runtime libpam-thinkfinger thinkfinger-tools

(Updated HAL and libpam-runtime are needed to activate support for it)

Enroll your fingerprint (not as root):

  $ tf-tool --acquire

Check it:

  $ tf-tool --verify

Assuming that goes well, reboot. You'll now be able to use your fingerprint in places that you can use your password (gdm login, screensaver unlock, sudo prompts, gksudo prompts, PolicyKit authorisations) -- note that for gdm, you still need to enter your username first.