Comment 88 for bug 93546

Revision history for this message
Coren (coren+) wrote : Re: Address data sources missing

I've taken a deeper look at it. The main problem is that OOo integration with the mozilla products is totally outdated.
They based their work on a really old and unsecure version of the mozilla engine (1.7).

It's now possible to build OOo against a decent version of firefox for the nss/nspr part, but this specific part of AddressBook was not changed at all. They have just disable the build of those part, in this case.

Displaying the 4 options in "File|Templates|Address Book Source| Administrate button" is quite easy. It's the removal of one lines in "extensions/source/abpilot/" of OOo source code.

But the connector used for Thunderbird (an OOo datasource, in fact), in "connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/" is totally unable to compile with current versions of thunderbird-dev and firefox-dev. Some needed header files, for instance, are totally removed from the devel packages. And even after adding them from the mozilla CVS, I have seen so many compile errors that it seems clear that there's a few years of differences.

The current stance, for OOo, is to patch and patch again their mozilla 1.7.0 source in order to keep compatibility with changes of formats in address book : it's less costly for them than to update all the OOo concerned parts.

The real fix for this issue is not to port this big patch into firefox/tbird, but to port OpenOffice to use current versions of thoses mozilla products.

=> You won't be able to see this issue fixed before a long time, IMHO.