Comment 19 for bug 1741390

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote : Re: Package two years out of date

The build is kind of messy, as upstream moved some sources around and building that "nicely" required features in debhelper only avaialble in later Ubuntu versions. It failed a few times now and this week is really bad in terms of free time for this :-/

Also we discussed a potential SRU into Xenial a bit more and it came out as rather unlikely - as we really lack a way to check for regressions on a vast array of VMWare ESXi versions. If I get a build running on my weekend I might prep something for the backports pocket (which is opt in and therefore not under the same constraints as the SRU), but I doubt I could do that on a regular schedule to keep it always up to date.

For the "I need to be totally in sync with the host" it might come down as a case for the host provided tools still - despite the kb article declaring the OS vendor content as preferred. I wonder about the mentioned "VMware provides assistance to operating system vendors and communities with the integration" as I would not know at all where/how.

The package is on community level support, but if VMWare itself would step up and maintain it (as they are who can check and populate [1] against the new version) that would be great. Yet I'd not expect you to get a great answer if you open up a support ticket for that, but who knows - you might try.