Comment 8 for bug 1911400

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

The combined script that /usr/bin/dh_octave_check creates out of internal code and octave-parallel-4.0.0/debian/check.m is this:

fid = fopen ("/tmp/tmp.ebXAvMYm49", "w");
disp ('Checking m files ...');
[usr_pkg, sys_pkg] = pkg ('list');
for i = 1 : length (sys_pkg)
    name = sys_pkg {1, i}.name;
    ## Do not load the package being checked, sinc
    ## old, incompatible version may be installed.
    if strcmp ("parallel", name) != 1
        pkg ('load', name);
pkg ('load', 'parallel');
disp ("[inst/parcellfun.m]");
[npass, ntest, nxfail, nskip] = test ("inst/parcellfun.m",
                                      ifelse (strcmp ("", ""),
                                              "verbose", ""));
printf ("%d test%s, %d passed, %d known failure%s, %d skipped\n",
        ntest, ifelse (ntest > 1, "s", ""), npass, nxfail,
        ifelse (nxfail > 1, "s", ""), nskip);
fprintf (fid, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", "inst/parcellfun.m", ntest, npass, nxfail, nskip);
disp ("[inst/pararrayfun.m]");
[npass, ntest, nxfail, nskip] = test ("inst/pararrayfun.m",
                                      ifelse (strcmp ("", ""),
                                              "verbose", ""));
printf ("%d test%s, %d passed, %d known failure%s, %d skipped\n",
        ntest, ifelse (ntest > 1, "s", ""), npass, nxfail,
        ifelse (nxfail > 1, "s", ""), nskip);
fprintf (fid, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", "inst/pararrayfun.m", ntest, npass, nxfail, nskip);
disp ("[inst/pserver.m]");
[npass, ntest, nxfail, nskip] = test ("inst/pserver.m",
                                      ifelse (strcmp ("", ""),
                                              "verbose", ""));
printf ("%d test%s, %d passed, %d known failure%s, %d skipped\n",
        ntest, ifelse (ntest > 1, "s", ""), npass, nxfail,
        ifelse (nxfail > 1, "s", ""), nskip);
fprintf (fid, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", "inst/pserver.m", ntest, npass, nxfail, nskip);
disp ('Checking C++ files ...');
[usr_pkg, sys_pkg] = pkg ('list');
for i = 1 : length (sys_pkg);
    name = sys_pkg {1, i}.name;
    ## Do not load the package being checked, sinc
    ## old, incompatible version may be installed.
    if strcmp ("parallel", name) != 1
        pkg ('load', name);
warning ('off', 'Octave:autoload-relative-file-name');
disp ("Run tests in debian/check.m");
    source ("debian/check.m");
    fprintf (fid, "debian/check.m 1 1 0 0\n");
    fprintf (fid, "debian/check.m 1 0 1 0\n");
fclose (fid);