Comment 2 for bug 322870

Revision history for this message
surfed (god-youhavechoice) wrote :

I can confirm this. Just did a install of 9.04 RC and with version 173 (the recommended one) of the nvidia drivers i get a max of 640x480 resolution. Version 96 gives me the max resolution possible but i experience screen flashes and no compiz possible. 2D drivers only work like a charm. Also i get funny messages in dmesg:

[ 32.832023] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 8, Channel 00000000
[ 78.300057] ondemand governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to performance governor
[ 96.832877] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 9, Channel 0000001e Instance 00000000 Intr 00100000
[ 103.832020] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 8, Channel 0000001e
[ 153.832872] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 9, Channel 0000001e Instance 00000000 Intr 00100000
[ 160.832020] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 8, Channel 0000001e
[ 217.832921] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 9, Channel 0000001e Instance 00000000 Intr 00100000
[ 224.832054] NVRM: Xid (0002:00): 8, Channel 00000000