Comment 8 for bug 741942

Revision history for this message
Paul Hinchberger III (brainwreckedtech) wrote :

#5 is a valid workaround if compiz is working (for the most part) and just happened to have a one-off crash that took away unity and all window decorations. Coming up with a solution to get your desktop back without restarting the computer or even GDM isn't that obvious.

Unfortunately, SIGABRT in raise() is a very general bug. We (the end users) aren't seeing why (0 <= index && index < 24). There could be multiple fronts causing index to go out of range, leaving compiz in varying states for different people.

An example I just noticed is that there isn't a line about the nvidia kernel module in the submitter's report. All bug reports I file mention the nvidia kernel module. With that very limited information, I would assume that Jamie and the bug submitter are using one of the built-in open-source 3D drivers (nv, r[nnn]g, intel) while Thiago and I are using nvidia (or fglrx). But that's going off very limited information so I very well could be wrong. Then again, I just used that as an example of what I meant by multiple fronts.