Comment 53 for bug 158126

Revision history for this message
kernelOfTruth (dalinuxlova) wrote :

hm, I don't want to go offtopic here but

perhaps the Ubuntu devs could create a script setting up a 32 bit chroot for those users REALLY needing it ?


enter: 32 bit chroot ubuntu

into google will reveal the following: [HOWTO: 32-Bit Chroot on 64-Bit Installs], it's a little old (2005)

an up-to-date howto I found was valid for 8.04 BUT in German - you can use google's translate-feature to translate it to better understand but follow the commands from the original german site otherwise google might screw up the order:

good luck :)

I'm also using a system with gentoo ~amd64 and there nspluginwrapper is much more stable compared to the version used in jaunty