Comment 66 for bug 438536

Revision history for this message
Robert (poofyyoda) wrote :

Wow, WTF are the developers smoking?

Seriously this is the most retarded 'usability' design change ever made.
"Reduce Customisation" - what a joke. Ubuntu is quickly dissolving into a solely new user oriented disaster.
A good OS is one where both new users and expert users alike can feel comfortable at the simplicity and customisability that is offered. I predict a big fallout from this change alone

Thank God for the ppa package.

--Also, on a desktop system, I almost never receive any synchronous messages ( brightness, volume etc..), and I suspect most other users also experience this. The notifications by apps such as rhythmbox display MUCH more frequently than changing brightness controls, so by their logic the synchronous messages should be below the others, which will bring much less grief.