Comment 106 for bug 438536

Revision history for this message
SilverWave (silverwave) wrote :

OK as a workaround I can confirm that manually setting gconf-key "/apps/notify-osd/gravity" to "2" sets it to display at Right-Center.

I still don't like it, it is intrusive and does not work in an intuitive manor, but at least I am not pulling my hair out over it.
This is _not_ a paper cut, this is more akin to someone pulling your finger nails out.

Also why does the notification not close when I click it!
Who's bright idea was it to make it(on mouseover) see through and click through?!

What kind of usability study could possibly have thought this is a good idea?

Look it notifies you of its message right? - Good!
Then you go to dismiss it and it does not close! How frustrating.
But its actually worse because it does not even let you click the damn thing!
No instead you click whatever is behind it! Why would I _ever_ want this behavior?

> - added support for integer gconf-key "/apps/notify-osd/gravity"
> - supported values are 1 (NorthEast, top-right) and 2 (East,vertically centered at right of screen)