Comment 70 for bug 346095

Revision history for this message
Derek White (d-man97) wrote : Re: notify-osd doesn't honor my preference

Now, for everyone complaining:
This is a new program. Further releases will update/expand the functionality. I am, however, surprised that there have been no updates to it since jaunty was released; but, then again, it's only been what, 6 weeks?

If you don't like the new program, install another one. I don't like Totem Movie Player, so I installed MPlayer & vlc. Same deal with notify-osd. Not everyone likes the defaults, and I'm sure this same issue came up when other default programs were replaced. The key word there is default - it's not the ONLY program.

If your bubbles aren't showing on the screen due to a weird virtual size, monitor layout, etc., then submit a bug report for that (everyone can agree that a program should be smarter and more robust). They are trying to take an over-grown, over-used notification system and streamline it. Until it's finished and fully functional, give the devs a break and let them work out the kinks.

If you think a program is giving too much output, it's not notify-osd's fault - it's the program over-using libnotify. Complain to them. Furthermore, give them time as well to adjust to the new notification system and to implement smarter code to know which notification system is in use on a particular OS installation. If it's the old way, then the changes have already been made and probably work - because they've had time to work out the kinks. If notify-osd is in use, they need to make some changes - and probably already have started. Again, give them time as well.

Ubuntu wasn't built overnight...And I'll be damned if it's going to go the way of PCLinuxOS over something as mundane as bubbles! Keep up the work and keep up the good fight.


For my own interest...

About positioning:
*old way: places the notification (by default) below/above the notification area applet, based on whether it was a top/bottom panel housing the area
*new way (notify-osd): places the notification on the top right of the main monitor
Is this correct?

About packages:
*What is notify-daemon (notification-daemon & notify-osd both conflict with & replace it).
*If it's a viable replacement, why isn't notify-daemon in the repositories?
*From libnotify1's description in synaptic:
"To actually display the notifications, you need to install the package notification-daemon."
If notification-daemon does not depend on notify-osd, where does notify-osd come in, if (according to libnotify1) notification-daemon displays the bubble?
*Can notify-osd be removed and have notification-daemon still do the work?
*Can notification-daemon be removed and have notify-osd still do the work?

P.S. - Bug 1 is great! Nominated for Karmic - let's hope it gets fixed! lol