Comment 36 for bug 256054

Revision history for this message
Ivan Nemet (inemet) wrote :

Hi Alexander,
Sorry for my english
I use Ubuntu 8.04 and this source for update NM:
           deb hardy main
           deb-src hardy main
After todate update NM my network connection is broken. and my NM show ifupdown (eth0) interface, without MAC address, with correct IP settings and no DNS inputs.
Then I go to Sistem->Administration->Network and load my previously saved location, and I have working network agan but NM not show eth0 interface.
When I change nm-system-settings.conf and reboot NM show two interfaces (eth0, and ifupdown (eth0)).
My /etc/network/interfaces is very simple(no ifupdown (eth0) ):
____/etc/network/interfaces __________________________________
  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet static

  iface ppp0 inet ppp
  provider ppp0
  auto ppp0


And part of my ~.gnome2/network-admin-locations/MyNetwork:
