Comment 4 for bug 91964

Revision history for this message
Evan Klitzke (eklitzke2) wrote :

Here's the deal. Not having the patch was too annoying for me to live with, so I downloaded the Fedora patch and applied it against the version of network-manager-vpnc that Feisty ships. It works, and it's awesome to have this feature now. The patch will be in the upstream 0.7.0 release (and may even be in 0.6.5 -- I haven't checked). I'd imagine that Gutsy will ship with that release, and consequently the release of Gutsy will effectively close this bug. Nonetheless, I found that without this patch, network-manager-vpnc is _totally_ unusable for me, and I have to run vpnc in the background manually since that is capable of saving the group password. If it was up to me, I'd backport this fix to Feisty :-) In case some kindly developer wants to do that, I'm attaching my Debianified patch here (i.e. the patch resulting from applying the Fedora patch in a cdbs-edit-patch environment) so that someone can fix this heinous bug.