Comment 2 for bug 697977

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Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox) wrote :


Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and helping to make Ubuntu better. Examining the information you have given us, this does not appear to be a bug so we are closing it this report. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it seems like the behavior you are seeing is as designed:

As pointed out in the ethtool output:
Link partner advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full

Which means the switch or other device your system is connected to does not support full 1000Mbps connections. If you have reason to believe this is incorrect, please consider contacting the hardware manufacturer for help on how to resolve the situation.

Please feel free to report any other bugs you may find.