Comment 21 for bug 20284

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Gujche (gujche) wrote :

Solution for Lubuntu(PCManFM):

1. go to /home/USER/.config/pcmanfm/default/ or /home/USER/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu/
         -change USER with your user name
2. sudo nano pcmanfm.conf
3. go to section "[desktop]"
4. change sort_by to sort_by=2 (if you want to sort by name)
5. log out -> log in -> Tadaaa :)

I'm not an expert, probably there is some nicer way to do that with bash script or something..but this works and it is needed to be done only once. About sorting numbers I'm not sure which one is for what and didn't find any useful info, so you'll need to discover it by yourself by playing or finding some info. Enjoy.