Comment 3 for bug 607215

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package mpg123 - 1.12.1-2ubuntu1

mpg123 (1.12.1-2ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #607215). Remaining changes:
    - debian/control: Remove libartsc0-dev from build depends.

mpg123 (1.12.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  *, src/libmpg123/frame.c: Apply backport of upstream patch
    to fix calculation of pointer alignment on 32bit archs. Many thanks
    to William Pitcock, Gregor Herrmann, and upstream author Thomas Orgis
    for tracking down this problem. Closes: #580095
  * debian/rules: Run autoreconf to rebuild configure script after
    having applied above patch. In clean target, remove any files
    altered by autoreconf.
  * debian/control: Build-depend on automake and autoconf for autoreconf.

mpg123 (1.12.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version. Closes: #572975
  * debian/control: Package complies with version 3.8.4 of Debian policy.
  * debian/control: Add substitution variable misc:Depends to package
    dependency lines to placate lintian.
  * debian/ Add new symbols mpg123_open_handle
    and mpg123_replace_reader_handle.
 -- Angel Abad <email address hidden> Tue, 15 Jun 2010 07:32:48 +0100