Comment 36 for bug 120375

Revision history for this message
dbendlin (diego-bendlin-hotmail) wrote :

Hello Guys,

Reading all of your post's helped me a lot understanding linux a little be more, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

As I stated a few post above I've tried mdadm on Debian and it works the just fine, so I compared the scripts in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts and found out they are not so diferent from the ones in ubuntu but still there's a diference I wanned to share with you.

When you setup mdadm on debian, a mdadm file is created in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top,(I'll paste its contend below). The scripts in this folder get called from the local script file (The one you guys suggest to patch). And if you compare the debian version of the local scrip, with ubuntu's version you'll find out its pretty similar. So I guess this could be a better solution since for example you wont have to wait 180 secs, and you don't include "intrusive" code in the local script.

Here goes the debian version of the local script file
# Local filesystem mounting -*- shell-script -*-

# Parameter: Where to mount the filesystem
mountroot ()
 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Running /scripts/local-top"
 run_scripts /scripts/local-top
 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_end_msg

 # If the root device hasn't shown up yet, give it a little while
 # to deal with removable devices
 if [ ! -e "${ROOT}" ]; then
  log_begin_msg "Waiting for root file system..."

  # Default delay is 180s
  if [ -z "${ROOTDELAY}" ]; then
  if [ -x /sbin/usplash_write ]; then
   /sbin/usplash_write "TIMEOUT ${slumber}" || true

  slumber=$(( ${slumber} * 10 ))
  while [ ${slumber} -gt 0 ] && [ ! -e "${ROOT}" ]; do
   /bin/sleep 0.1
   slumber=$(( ${slumber} - 1 ))

  if [ ${slumber} -gt 0 ]; then
   log_end_msg 0
   log_end_msg 1 || true
  if [ -x /sbin/usplash_write ]; then
   /sbin/usplash_write "TIMEOUT 15" || true

 # We've given up, but we'll let the user fix matters if they can
 while [ ! -e "${ROOT}" ]; do
  echo " Check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline"
  echo " or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev"
  panic "ALERT! ${ROOT} does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"

 # Get the root filesystem type if not set
 if [ -z "${ROOTFSTYPE}" ]; then
  eval $(fstype < ${ROOT})
 if [ "$FSTYPE" = "unknown" ] && [ -x /lib/udev/vol_id ]; then
  FSTYPE=$(/lib/udev/vol_id -t ${ROOT})
  [ -z "$FSTYPE" ] && FSTYPE="unknown"

 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Running /scripts/local-premount"
 run_scripts /scripts/local-premount
 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_end_msg

 if [ ${readonly} = y ]; then

 # FIXME This has no error checking
 modprobe -q ${FSTYPE}

 # FIXME This has no error checking
 # Mount root
 mount ${roflag} -t ${FSTYPE} ${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} ${rootmnt}

 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Running /scripts/local-bottom"
 run_scripts /scripts/local-bottom
 [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_end_msg

And here is the contend of the mdadm script file located in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/local-top folder
# Copyright © 2006 Martin F. Krafft <email address hidden>
# based on the scripts in the initramfs-tools package.
# released under the terms of the Artistic Licence.
# $Id: script.local-top 290 2006-12-19 08:18:50Z madduck $

set -eu


 echo "$PREREQ"

case ${1:-} in
    exit 0

. /scripts/functions

if [ -e /scripts/local-top/md ]; then
  log_warning_msg "old md initialisation script found, getting out of its way..."
  exit 1

[ -x "$MDADM" ] || exit 0

  case "$quiet" in y*|Y*|1|t*|T*)
    return 1;;
    return 0;;

MD_MODULES='linear multipath raid0 raid1 raid456 raid5 raid6 raid10'
[ -s /conf/md.conf ] && . /conf/md.conf

verbose && log_begin_msg Loading MD modules
for module in ${MD_MODULES:-}; do
  if modprobe --syslog "$module"; then
    verbose && log_success_msg "loaded module ${module}."
    log_failure_msg "failed to load module ${module}."

if [ ! -f /proc/mdstat ]; then
  verbose && panic "cannot initialise MD subsystem (/proc/mdstat missing)"
  exit 1

# handle /dev/md/X nodes
mkdir --parent /dev/md

# in case the hook failed to install a configuration file, this is our last
# attempt... the "emergency procedure"... <drumroll>
if [ ! -e $CONFIG ]; then
  log_warning_msg "missing mdadm.conf file, trying to create one..."
  mkdir -p ${CONFIG%/*}
  echo DEVICE partitions > $CONFIG
  $MDADM --examine --scan >> $CONFIG
  if [ -s $CONFIG ]; then
    verbose && log_success_msg "mdadm.conf created."
    verbose && log_failure_msg "could not create mdadm.conf, the boot will likely fail."

if [ "$MD_DEVS" = all ]; then

  verbose && log_begin_msg "Assembling all MD arrays"
  [ -n "$MD_HOMEHOST" ] && \
    extra_args="--homehost='$MD_HOMEHOST' --auto-update-homehost"
  if $MDADM --assemble --scan --run --auto=yes $extra_args; then
    verbose && log_success_msg "assembled all arrays."
    log_failure_msg "failed to assemble all arrays."
  verbose && log_end_msg

elif [ "$MD_DEVS" != none ]; then
  for dev in $MD_DEVS; do

    verbose && log_begin_msg "Assembling MD array $dev"
    if $MDADM --assemble --run --auto=yes $dev; then
      verbose && log_success_msg "started $dev"
      log_failure_msg "failed to start $dev"
    verbose && log_end_msg


exit 0

Hope this works, didn't have time nor PC to try this, but maybe someone could give it a try :)

Kind Regards,

Diego Bendlin