Comment 18 for bug 253196

Revision history for this message
Daniel Miles (themono) wrote :

I'd like to think I am normally reasonably softspoken, but due to it being so near to release, I have to be a little more explicit to be sure I get attention:

What in gods name were people thinking when this got approved?!?!?!?!? Why is it that to use Lyx in my KDE4 desktop, I now have to install:

evince{a} gnome-icon-theme{a} gnome-keyring{a} libglade2-0{a} libgnome-keyring0{a}
  libgp11-0{a} liblaunchpad-integration1{a} libnautilus-extension1{a} libpam-gnome-keyring{a}
  libpoppler-glib3{a} librsvg2-common{a}

Gnome Keyring????? Evince???? What in the name of all that is holy made you people think it was a good idea to have a QT4 based text editor DEPEND on the GNOME PDF READER? This is phenomenal stupidity. What functionality would I be missing in Lyx if I in fact did not have Evince installed? Or the glib bindings for poppler? Why do I need the Gnome Icon Theme???? This is absurdity. How this got approved is totally beyond me, because (a) there is absolutely no reason for these stupid dependencies, and (b) there are actually people out there who do not want to install every GNOME package under the sun just because a developer likes to make everything depend on GNOME for the hell of it.

I'm not a desktop Nazi, but I use an eeepc, so space is very much at a premium. And I'll be damned if I'm pissing away forty odd megs because someone managed to sneak through such an appallingly stupid change after feature freeze.

Again, I apologise for the tone of this. This is nothing personal against anyone, but is very much against their work in this case.