Comment 6 for bug 2059730

Revision history for this message
Philip Roche (philroche) wrote :

Verified Focal:

This exact proposed version of livecd-rootfs has been used in cloud image build for many weeks now and has met all of the steps listed in the test plan.

GCE daily minimal image daily-ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20240405`` being one such image with snaps and built using this version of livecd-rootfs.


1. Launch `daily-ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20240405` from project `ubuntu-os-cloud-devel` in GCE

gcloud compute instances create $(petname) --zone=europe-west1-d --image=daily-ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20240405 --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud-devel

4. logged in and ran `sudo snap debug seeding`

ubuntu@usable-mullet:~$ sudo snap debug seeding
seeded: true
preseeded: true
image-preseeding: 5.744s
seed-completion: 3.278s

5. and just to double check, yes there are snaps

ubuntu@usable-mullet:~$ snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core20 20240111 2182 latest/stable canonical✓ base
google-cloud-cli 471.0.0 229 latest/stable/… google-cloud-sdk✓ classic
snapd 2.61.2 21184 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd