Comment 18 for bug 518863

Revision history for this message
Kirk Bridger (kbridger) wrote :

I've encountered the problem, and have worked through each recommendation in the Volume Range Anomalies section of that page. I'm still seeing the problem.

I may have a good way to reproduce the problem. Assuming you have Rhythmbox running with a panel indicator:

1. Use mouse wheel over applet to raise volume to 100%
2. Play audio in RB
3. Right click RB notification try icon, choose Next
4. Hover over the icon

Audio on the next song is then fuzzed out completely. Pausing RB for some minutes and then resuming sometimes clears the problem. For example I just had it paused while I was typing this, and the problem has now gone away.

Adjusting the last parameter in that doc has resulted in jerky playback while mouse wheeling to contrl volume via the RB notification tray icon, so I'm going to revert that change.

What else can I do to help identify this problem?