Comment 157 for bug 446146

Revision history for this message
MarcelD (marceldudek1) wrote :

You need only linux-image. Yes, grub menu is the place, where you choose, what kernel you wish to boot.

You can anytime deinstall this kernel with sudo dpkg -P linux-image-2.6.31-11-generic or something like this. BUT You have to boot in that case to other kernel, if you want to remove that 11!

If you write that deinstall statement , hit <TAB> key after ..2.6.31 System will fill in the rest of the line, if this is unique Package in database.

I plan to wait the fix - so I will install new kernels and fixes as they come. If they not works, i will boot again from GRUB menu into 11, deinstall the newest kernel (because i won't use it and also to gain place in /boot dir)
If it will be fixed in newest kernel/Updates, I deinstall that 11 kernel away..