Comment 9 for bug 430694

Revision history for this message
Martin-Éric Racine (q-funk) wrote :

Actually, as of linux-image-2.6.31-11-generic version 2.6.31-11.38, even my initramfs-tools workaround doesn't work anymore.

Without having read the relevant kernel source, I'd still venture that one of the following causes might be our culprit:

1) the kernel doesn't offer management of module loading order dependencies (unlikely, but you never know).
2) the kernel offers management of module loading order dependencies, but KMS-related modules don't use it (unlikely, but you never know).
3) the kernel offers management of module loading order dependencies, KMS-related modules use it, but in an incorrect way.
4) the kernel offers management of module loading order dependencies, but it is broken, so all attempts by KMS-related modules to use it fail miserably.

Basically, we need a systematic method for loading modules and their dependencies in a predictable order, always. Right now, either we're lacking this or what we have doesn't work as intended.