Comment 20 for bug 412862

Revision history for this message
joanne toulouse (monde-imaginaire) wrote :

I solved my internal mic problem for Lenovo Ideapad U330 by doing all of the following:
(Should work for Acer Aspire as well)

1. In terminal:
sudo apt-get remove linux-backports-modules-alsa-`uname -r`

2. Get latest AlsaUpgrade script here, along with directions on download, compile, install:

(It is AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2 as of 27Dec2010)

3. Download, compile, install AlsaUpgrade as discussed in #2.

4. After reboot, find out if you have installed the newer version of alsa. In terminal:
cat /proc/asound/version

5. If mic still does not work, type:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

6. You should see something similar to:
options snd-hda-intel index=-2

7. Add this to the end:
options snd-hda-intel index=-2 model=XXXXX

where xxxxx depends on your machine.
Find out what you should put in xxxxx here:
Acer Aspire user try adding "options snd-hda-intel index=-2 model=acer"

8. If your specific machine isn't listed, try using what is similar to your machine. For example, Lenovo Ideapad U330 isn't listed in, but they do have other Lenovo machines listed and they are usually "model=lenovo".
I added "options snd-hda-intel index=-2 model=lenovo" to the end of my modprobe file.

9. Save, exit, reboot. Mic works for me now and in skype.