Comment 26 for bug 288148

Revision history for this message
Ken Hagan (k-a-hagan) wrote :

 Loïc Minier wrote...
"Please people, venting your frustation here doesn't help anyone.
 1) this was discussed publicly (ubuntu-devel and kernel-team lists)
 2) this was enabled and removed within a development cycle
 3) there are workarounds (madwifi, lbm)"

I understand. As it happens, I pulled down the day's fixes this evening (as usual) and everything is suddenly working again, which is pretty much the experience I expect as a beta tester. That said, I think it is worth recording these experiences even if we can't explain them. I note that something called "SCIM" seemed to be introduced at the weekend, around the time my machine went belly-up, and there were patches for it this evening. I can't personally see the connection between input methods and wireless, and it's probably a red herring, but perhaps it's the flash of inspiration someone else needs.