Comment 7 for bug 273323

Revision history for this message
Christian Schürer-Waldheim (quincunx) wrote :

Hi Chris,

I've noticed this error message before and read the info in the sources too but it doesn't say anything to me. My computer is for sure not too slow, having a dual core CPU and 2GB of RAM. And it worked in the past without any problems. Hardy was the first time when I could suspend and resume countless times without any worries.

Yesterday I did a suspend with pm-suspend from the console. I could resume after that without any problem. Doing a 2nd suspend, the kernel hard crashed (flashing lights) after resume. This time I used the hot keys on my laptop computer, but obviously pm-suspend is called this way too (according to the suspend logs). I will attach the new kern.log.

Did something change in the last kernel updates which could cause such timing problems?