Comment 380 for bug 272247

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SRElysian (srelysian) wrote :

I feel like a bit of an idiot atm, I left firefox open last night and this morning my laptop was overheating. After I gave it a reboot and checked my email someone had messaged me stating that sometime in Karmic the custom DSDT option was removed, I checked my logs and found that it seems to be true. How ironic :/ At this poing I am going to try what Stefan suggests, starting with 2 and going back to 1 if need be.

I guess this teaches me a lesson on not being so lazy, I've had my laptop occasionally overheat (randomly) after Karmic and thought something was just working to hard or firefox was being a hog again. I never thought to check wether or not my DSDT was still active, if I had I might have commented on this thread earlier, sorry guys. There are a few bugs I need to look into and report today as well, seeing as how it's my day off from work I think I will do so.. no more lazy.

I will comment back when I get an actual result, whenever that will be.