Comment 118 for bug 215604

Revision history for this message
Nol (o-lorin) wrote :

"Didn't you say earlier that load4 does stuff with v4l and that's why people's
USB cameras don't work after installing your driver?"
Because the driver is uptream, I work now with patches to apply on the last GSPCA which is part of the last V4L, this is why the compilation requires all dependencies be compiled too. However the GSPCA in 2.6.31 includes a mandatory function for gspca_gl860 so gspca_gl860 sources in 2.6.32 may be compiled against the GSPCA in 2.6.31. The "inst_gl860" with "-m" option only compiles the gspca_gl860 sources, no other stuff. It should work against the GSPCA already present in 2.6.31 .

What happens with Camorama is normal, V4L1 applications needs to be launched with a LD_PRELOAD (LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ camorama) to map V4L1 system calls to V4L2 ones. Only V4L2 applications work fine with the gspca drivers.
Did you you only compiled the gspca_driver or compile also other stuff?