Comment 276 for bug 204996

Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

sergio - It could very well be the source of Tom's problem but there is no way of knowing with such little information. Just because you see lock-ups without wireless doesn't mean that other peoples lock-ups can't be caused by their wireless. As already pointed out many times above, the people posting to this bug report possibly have completely different bugs, all with the same symptom. Just because you all see lock-ups does not mean they are being caused by exactly the same bug.

There are so many different combinations of hardware in this bug report now that it has become virtually impossible to follow. This bug is fixed in Intrepid for the original reporter (hence why it is marked as being tracked in Intrepid). It isn't fixed in Hardy because it is very difficult to establish exactly what commit fixes the bug for the original reporter.