Comment 140 for bug 202490

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Maxim Levitsky (maximlevitsky) wrote :

Due to unexpected turn of events (sometimes it pays to ask a question) I was told that mmc controller that ricoh-mmc disables in fact is almost standard sdhci controller.

Therefore I patched the sdhci kernel driver and now it binds to both sdhci and mmc devices and therefore allows you to use sd,sdhi,mmc and xD cards at same time.

The driver modified to compile under 10.4 kernel is attached.

To use first unload the ricoh-mmc (if you didn't already)

$ sudo modprobe -r ricoh_mmc

To make this permanent blacklist it (if you didn't already)
to do so:

$ echo ricoh_mmc | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist_ricoh_mmc.conf

Now compile & install:

$ make
$ sudo make install

Unload current driver:
$ modprobe -r sdhci_pci
$ modprobe -r sdhci

assure that new driver is seen
to do so ensure that you see the 'extra':

$ modinfo sdhci-pci | grep filename
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.32-18-generic/extra/sdhci-pci.ko

Now load patched driver: (on next boot it will be loaded automaticly)
$ modprobe -r sdhci_pci
$ modprobe -r sdhci

note that due to bug (you probably seen it) don't try to suspend the system while sd/sdhc/mmc card is in slot
This just hands the system
I know the cause, but fix is far from trivial.
(Its not my fault)