Comment 73 for bug 201887

Revision history for this message
Colin Ian King (colin-king) wrote :

SRU justification:

Impact: Slim USB Apple Keyboard stops working if a numpad or number key
is pressed.

Testcase: A clean boot, keys work. Press numpad or number key and the
keyboard stops working.

Patch in my PPA tested and verified

This patch splits the Numlock emulation for Apple keyboards in a
different quirk flag, so that it can be enabled for all the keyboards
but the Aluminium USB ones.

If the Numlock emulation is enabled for Aluminium USB keyboards, the
JKL and UIO keys become the numeric pad, and the rest of the keyboard
is disabled, included the key used to disable Numlock.

Additionally, these keyboard should not have a Numlock at all, as the
Numlock key is instead replaced by the 'Clear' key as usual for Apple
USB keyboards.

Patch from upstream cherry pick 6e7045990f35ef9250804b3fd85e855b8c2aaeb6
backported for Hardy.