Comment 17 for bug 201711

Revision history for this message
Andrew Flegg (aflegg) wrote :

Frédéric is creating links between the multiple issues. There's also some strong arguments in for why the current default behaviour is wrong.

I wrote there, in support of the same arguments eloquently made by Tommy, Luke, Nicolas and Raphael:

Ubuntu isn't OS X, and Apple sell these keyboards as any other keyboard manufacturer. They are Apple keyboards, not Mac keyboards; therefore trying to enforce they work like Macs - when they might well not be being used on Mac hardware, and definitely not OS X - is at least partially incorrect.

It'd be different if the keys were *obviously* volume/brightness/dashboard/exposé and not F1, F2, F3 etc. However the hotkeys and the fn keys are given equal prominence.

The third argument is that not all of the keys have special purposes, so they should do the base action - function keys without a modifier, first and foremost.