Comment 5 for bug 1204548

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

I have two ways of reproducing this:

A) Using obexftp

- Install obexftp
- obexftp -b 00:27:13:74:F8:E2 -p /etc/hosts #Use the address of another system running "obexftpd -b -c /tmp"

Expected result:
Browsing 00:27:13:74:f8:e2 ...
Tried to connect for 160ms
Sending "/etc/passwd".../done

Actual result:
Browsing 00:27:13:74:F8:E2 ...
Connecting...failed: connect
Tried to connect for 512ms
error on connect(): Invalid argument
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Tried to connect for 476ms
error on connect(): Invalid argument
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Tried to connect for 502ms
error on connect(): Invalid argument
Still trying to connect

B) Using the panel applet
  - Set a receiver system to be visible through bluetooth, go to personal file sharing and enable receiving files through bluetooth from any system.
 - On the system being tested, select "send file through bluetooth", pick a sample file, select the receiver on the target selection.

Expected result:
- File successfully sent

Actual result:
- File successfully sent? (so apparently this problem only affects obexftp).