Comment 140 for bug 134660

Revision history for this message
Ian (superian) wrote :

Good: It works for me...

Not so good: ... but only if I get Network Settings to change the setup (e.g. use a static IP if previously DHCP, use DHCP or a different static IP if previously static). Then it happily connects to the wireless network it was previously ignoring.

Prior to doing this, wlan0 doesn't seem to appear in the output of dmesg, after doing it you can see the wlan0 authentication happening successfully.

Ubuntu version: 8.04 Hardy Alpha6 (also same behaviour in 7.10 Gutsy)

In an attempt to solve this, I tried installing the serialmonkey drivers, but the only difference was that it took a *lot* longer to boot up.

Hardware, lspci reports

02:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2600 802.11 MIMO

relevant bits of lsmod:

rt61pci 25472 0
rt2x00pci 11264 1 rt61pci
rt2x00lib 22528 2 rt61pci,rt2x00pci
rfkill 8592 1 rt2x00lib
input_polldev 5896 1 rt2x00lib
crc_itu_t 3072 1 rt2x00lib
mac80211 165652 3 rt61pci,rt2x00pci,rt2x00lib
cfg80211 15112 1 mac80211
eeprom_93cx6 3200 1 rt61pci

More details available if someone tells me where the equivalent to device manager has gone from Hardy's menus....